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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

Let us help answer the most common questions you might have.

Updated over 12 months ago

Is Alura free?

You can try Alura free of charge for as long as you need and get to know our features before upgrading to a paid subscription. Check out our pricing page to see what the free plan includes.

Do I need a credit card to try Alura?
No, you can sign up for a free account without submitting any credit card information.

Why do I need to connect my Etsy shop?

Great questions! Some of our tools required us to retrieve data from your Etsy shop to work. For example, to optimize your listings with Listing Helper, we need to retrieve data on your listings from your shop.

How do I upgrade my subscription?
You are free to update your subscription at any time. Simply head to Settings → Billing → click on Manage plan. Alternatively, you can open the Alura extension and click on the upgrade button in the footer.

Can I pause my subscription?

Yes, you can change your subscription to a free plan if you ever need to pause payments. This will allow you to keep access to all your saved research. Subsequently, all plans are charged until the end of the current billing period, and your account will drop to the free tier at the end of the period.

Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
Yes. If you decide that Alura isn't for you, simply cancel your subscription by heading to Settings → Billing → Manage plan → and select Cancel plan. After canceling, your subscription will remain active until the end of your subscription period and you can continue using Alura's premium features during this time. Following this, your account will be downgraded to a free account.

What is Alura's refund policy?
All Alura plans have a no-questions-asked 7-day cancellation period. Subsequently, plan cancellations are charged until the end of the current billing period, and your account will drop to the free tier at the end of the period. You can cancel your plan at any time.

How is the payment being processed?
We use Stripe as our payment processor. They handle all of our payments, receipts and store your credit card details securely. So if you see Stripe on your receipt do not worry!

We accept credit cards from all major credit card providers, including VISA, VISA Debit, MasterCard, Discover, JCB, and American Express.

More questions?

Don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

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