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Analyzing the search results with the Listing Report
Analyzing the search results with the Listing Report

Learn how to read the information provided in the Listing Report

Updated over 12 months ago

The Listing Report contains more granular data about each listing's performance and strategy. This useful insight can be used to tweak your own listings, boost your profits, and outshine the competition on Etsy with tips from other successful sellers.

The report is divided into the following sections:

  • Listing image title, rating, and Etsy link.

  • Overview: estimated monthly and lifetime sales and revenue. Learn more about our estimates by hovering over each metric or read more here.

  • Details: additional listing details divided into the following tabs:
    Stats, Details, Specifications, and Delivery

  • Tags: all the listing's tags. From here, you'll be able to select any or all tags, and easily copy or save them to your saved tags.

  • Listing Quality Score: a metric reflecting the optimization of the listing, evaluating elements such as Title, Photos, Description, Shipping, and Tags. The higher the score, the better the listing is optimized for Etsy search.

  • Breakdown: a breakdown indicating the listings' improvement potential. To learn more about each element, click on the arrow and hover over the information icon for each metric.

  • Reviews: an overview of all customer ratings for this listing.

  • AI Insights: a powerful AI tool that lets you analyze customer reviews and get a better understanding of what customers love about this specific product, or what could be better. This is incredibly useful if you sell similar products.

  • Breakdown: list of all customer reviews. Helps you identify the good, the bad, and opportunities for improvement for this product.

  • Profitability Margin: estimated profit margin based on estimated costs and fees.

  • Breakdown: an overview of estimated costs, fees, and profit. To learn more about the different metrics, simply hover over the info icon. You can also adjust the cost value and see how this affects the total cost and estimated profits.

  • Profit Calculator: quick access to the Alura Etsy Fee calculator.

  • Similar Products: featured products similar to the product listing you are viewing. To swipe between products, simply click and scroll sideways.

Shop image: CatilynMinimalist

Want to learn more?

Head over to our Listing Report Help Article to learn more about the different features and information you can find within the report.

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