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How to use Email Sender

Create and send targeted, personal emails your customers will want to read.

Updated over 12 months ago

With Email Sender, you can send personal transactional emails to customers and targeted emails to subscribers. Whether you customize a pre-made template or create your own the emails you send will look great. You'll also see all your stats so you can optimize your email performance and ensure effectiveness.

See how Nancy uses the Alura Email Sender to create an email list for Etsy.

Create and send an email

First, go to Email Sender > Campaigns and click “New campaign” in the top right corner.

Next, you can start from scratch, or choose a pre-made template. For this example, we’ll start from scratch, but the following steps also apply if you customize a template. When you begin from scratch you can choose between:

  • Regular email: You pick this option if you want to send an email once. You can later choose to send it immediately or schedule it for a later time.

  • Automated email: Emails that are sent automatically based on an event or a schedule. For instance, if you want to automatically send an email welcoming new subscribers or a birthday wish on a subscriber's birthday.

Tip: You’ll find email templates for many use cases, like a monthly newsletter, or saying thanks for a positive review, and they’re all completely customizable.

Before composing your email, you’ll see these options on the top to define:

  • Campaign name - Only you will see the campaign name, and it's used to recognize the campaign later.

  • Send settings - Here you will define when the email will be sent. You have different options here depending on what email type you are creating.

  • Subject - Subject line is the first text recipients see after your sender name when an email reaches their inbox. It is important to keep an email subject line informative, catchy, and brief.

  • Preview text - Preview text is the bit of text below or next to an email's subject line in the inbox and gives extra insight into what's inside the email.

Now, it’s time to write your message content

The simple editor lets you create personalized messages that look great, with speed and confidence. It’s quick to style your text, insert images, and easy to add a call-to-action — all with a few simple clicks.

Insert rich content into your email using the + icon on the bottom of the email or the "+ Add section" in the bottom right corner, including:

  • Text

  • Button

  • Divider

  • Images

  • Product


To format specific text or add links simply select some text and the options will display:

You can also add dynamic content to emails by clicking on the lightning bolt icon. Then, pick the dynamic content you want:

Use the options panel on the right to change the style of a section. Such as text style (Heading 1, small text, etc.), section colors, and alignment. All sections will have an options panel on the right.


An important element of an email is the call-to-action or button, that is used to encourage your recipient to click through to your intended location.

You can add the URL to where you want the button to lead. You get a list of smart links by clicking on the lightning icon. On transactional emails, you'll also get options for transaction-specific URLs, such as the link to the transaction.


To add an image simply add the image section, then click or drag-and-drop the image to the "Image selector" square. You can also give images an URL where the recipients will be redirected by clicking on the image. Read more about how to optimize images here.


The product section lets you showcase your shop products dynamically. On the right side panel, you can choose how many products you want to display and also what products to display. You can choose from best-selling, trending, featured, or newest listings. This section is great for promoting your products.

When you're done, click "Save" up in the right corner. The email is now saved, and you can safely go back if you want to finish it later. If you are ready to send the email, the save button now says "Send now" or "Set live". If you want to activate the campaign you simply click this button and it will start sending.

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